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Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park is a renowned wildlife sanctuary located in southwestern Uganda. Established in 1952, the park spans diverse ecosystems, encompassing savannah grasslands, dense forests, and wetlands around the scenic Kazinga Channel. The park is celebrated for its rich biodiversity, housing a variety of wildlife such as elephants, lions, leopards, hippos, and numerous bird species. The iconic tree-climbing lions found in the Ishasha sector are a unique attraction.

  • Diverse Wildlife: The park boasts a wide array of wildlife, including elephants, lions, leopards, buffaloes, and various antelope species.
  • Kazinga Channel: This natural channel connects Lake George and Lake Edward, offering a spectacular boat cruise.
  • Rich Birdlife: The park is a haven for bird enthusiasts, with over 600 bird species recorded.
  • Game Drives
  • Boat Cruise on Kazinga Channel
  • Chimpanzee Tracking in Kyambura Gorge
  • Bird Watching
  • Tree-Climbing Lions in Ishasha
  • Cultural Encounters
Animals to expect in the Queen Elizabeth National Park


Queen Elizabeth National Park is home to a healthy population of elephants. These gentle giants are often seen during game drives, particularly in the Ishasha sector and the Kasenyi Plains.


The park is known for its lions, and the Ishasha sector is famous for its tree-climbing lions. Lions can also be spotted in other areas of the park during game drives.


Large herds of buffaloes roam the savannahs and grasslands of the park. They are often seen grazing and are a common sight during game drives.


While more elusive than other big cats, leopards inhabit the park, and lucky visitors may catch a glimpse of these elusive creatures, especially in the more remote areas.



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